Farm History

The Hugli Family grows high-bush blueberries, pumpkins, Christmas trees, & offers fun, agri-tourism activities & events for the whole family.

The Huglis Family

Brian, Will, Finley, Judy & Heidi Hugli


While travelling through the United States in the 1970’s with his family, Bill Hugli came across high bush blueberry plantations in New Jersey.  At the time, Bill Hugli was a holistic style chiropractor and the idea that blueberries on high bushes would be able to be picked by people of any age or physical condition excited Bill.  The thought of being able to offer people the “therapy” of a health building food and the exercise of picking the berries drove Bill’s quest to see if these hybrids would survive in the colder Canadian climate. After testing a few hundred bushes of various varieties over several years, the decision was made against all “expert” advice to establish the most northerly commercial highbush blueberry operation in Pembroke, Ontario. With Bill’s vision and the hard work of his family, friends and dedicated staff, Hugli’s conquered the odds and succeeded in growing blueberries.

Today, Hugli’s Blueberry Ranch grows over 17 acres of blueberries and is the largest blueberry operation in Eastern Ontario. The business now also grows pumpkins & Christmas Trees.

Sadly, Bill passed away in 1996 but his legacy lives on for all to enjoy.  His wife, Eileen continued to work at the farm operation for many years after, putting in many long days.  From providing friendly & prompt customer service, being the book keeper, to creating a cookbook & much more, she helped expand the business offerings.   In the fall of 2022, she passed away and is missed by many.

In 2001, the new ranch building was completed and a 3400 sq ft gift store, blueberry check-out, ice cream service area and covered patio were added.    Over the years, more agri-tourism  activities & events have been added.   The Hugli family is very grateful for all the support they have been given from the local community and visitors from across Canada and abroad as they have diversified their business over the years.

Bill and Eileen’s youngest son Brian and his wife Judy along with their kids, Heidi & Will currently operate Hugli’s Blueberry Ranch.

Our Mission

Hugli’s Blueberry Ranch is in the agri-tourism business and our goals are to provide unique, family & educational experiences in a beautiful & well-maintained country setting. Our goals will be accomplished by providing outstanding customer service, quality products, unique family fun activities & curriculum-based educational programs for our guests to enjoy.

Eileen Hugli 

Bill Hugli

On average, we employ over 40 seasonal employees.

Celebrating 43 Years of Growing High-bush Blueberries.